Upcoming events.

March Club meeting

March Club meeting

SPECIAL NOTE: Our March meeting is Monday March 10th . Not the first Monday of the month. The campus is closed that week for spring break. We will also be meeting in a larger room. Building 25 room 101. Access is easiest on the west end of the building - breezeway.

Meeting will continue with the officer transition process. Club activities etc.

Bring your parking permit !

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February Club Meeting

February Club Meeting

Please plan on attending the February meeting. We will be electing President and Vice Presidents. Also we will be presenting our charities the proceeds from the Ponies Under the Palms car show. As usual we’ll dicuss upcoming activities and the output of the new activities committee.


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January Club Meeting

January Club Meeting

Firs meeting of the new year. Election of officers for 2025 is key item. Review of recent car show results. Discuss and plan upcoming club activities.

Meeting is in building 25, room 135. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PARKING PASS

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Club Christmast Party

Club Christmast Party

Our club’s annual Christmas/Holiday Party

Note the Dress Code:

Casual Country Club attire is acceptable for regular dining.   Acceptable Casual Country Club Attire includes blouses for women, collared shirts for men, golf shirts, knit tops, khaki pants or walking shorts, slacks or skirts.

Jeans are discouraged. 

Unacceptable attire includes cutoffs, short shorts, gym or running shorts,sweat or jogging suits, ripped, torn or ragged clothing, tee shirts or tank tops.

Gentlemen must remove their hats when in the dining room, after 5:00PM in the bar, and on Sunday all day. 
Tee Shirts and hats are allowed at the Tiki Bar.

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Devereaux-Kaiser Car Show

Devereaux-Kaiser Car Show

:    The club is planning a meet up so that anyone interested in attending the D-K show can park with club members.  Ray Baker has arranged for us to be able to park together. To do this we need to meet up prior to the show and enter as a group.   Below are the particulars:

 Meeting location: the parking lot of DG Ace Hardware, 2876 Ringling Blvd, Sarasota.  (They don’t open until 9:00 on Sunday)

 Time: 7:45 AM,   We will follow Ray out at 8:00 AM.   We’re a short drive from the Sarasota Fair Grounds where the show is held.

 Important note:   Cars must be 25 years old or older to participate. There is no cost to put a car in the show.

 Link to show info: https://www.dkcarshow.com/

 Please let me know (email, txt or call) if you plan to join the group so we know you’re coming.   However we need to pull out at 8:00 to get our show spot!!

 See you Sunday

Dayton 941-730-3773

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Club Picnic

Club Picnic

Club Picnic at the Brunatti’s house. Bring you Mustang and park in the Brunatti’s back yard with your fellow club members and socialize. Club will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks. Bring a side dish to share.

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Club Outing to Ford's Garage for Brunch

Club Outing to Ford's Garage for Brunch

Meet up at Ford’s Garage – Sarasota by 10:15 AM so we can park the cars together, ideally up front. The restaurant opens for Sunday brunch at 10:30. Fingers crossed on the temperature. We’ll have the tables reserved which are grouped outside. The thinking is to take advantage of the nice Florida weather and it should be easier for us to talk amongst ourselves out there.

So for now I’m trying to get an approximate headcount for the reservation. Let me know if you and anyone else would likely come to this event.

I’d like to hear back by Wednesday 12/27.

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